Urine Analyzer Urilyzer® 100 Pro

  • Easy-to-use and interfaceable with the Family Doctor program
  • Detects up to 12 parameters: bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketones, ascorbic acid, glucose, protein (albumin), erythrocytes (haemoglobin), pH, nitrides, leukocytes, different weight, creatinine
  • In addition, the color and blur of the sample are set by the user
  • Fast output of results
  • User-friendly: color touch screen and
  • Easy-to-use software
  • External dimensions: 208 x 290 x 80 mm (W x D x H)
  • Weight: 1.2 kg
  • Built-in printer
  • Automatic bar detection and analysis

Combiscreen® PLUS test strips

Result in 60 seconds (up to 120 sec for leukocytes).

Vitamin C in the urine causes incorrect results in the erythrocyte and glucose strip test.
Therefore, the CombiScreen® PLUS test strips have glucose and erythrocyte
tests for the effect of protected ascorbic acid.

Test strips with the following parameters are available:

  • 11SYS Plus: bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketones, ascorbic acid, glucose, protein
    (albumin), erythrocytes (hemoglobin), pH, nitrides, leukocytes, specific gravity. Immediately available in our online store.
  • 7SYS Plus: ketones, glucose, protein (albumin), erythrocytes (hemoglobin),
    pH, Nitrides, Leukocytes
  • 5SYS Plus: glucose, protein (albumin), erythrocytes (hemoglobin),
    Nitrides, leukocytes
    CombiScreen® mALB / CREA: for album, creatinine
  • The albumin-creatinine ratio provides adequate information about the albumin
    amount in the urine regardless of urine concentration

Semi-automated urine sediment analyzer Urilyzer® Cell

Automate the analysis of urine sediment that you have done manually so far!

  • Time-saving system with compact design
  • Improved reproducibility and accuracy
  • Automatic particle detection and classification
  • Extended connectivity (LIS, middleware)
  • Possible to perform a full urinalysis (connection to Urilyzer® 100 Pro and Urilyzer® 500 Pro)

Reliable urine sediment analysis for average throughput!

The device uses troughs into which the user pipettes a urine sample. After that, the device automatically analyzes the urine precipitate with the help of artificial intelligence. The AI uses an AIEM algorithm that automatically detects precipitation by species: erythrocytes (RBC), leukocytes (WBC, WBCc), hyaline cylinders (HYA), pathological cylinders (PAT), squamous epithelial cells (EPI), other types of epithelial cells (NEC), bacteria (BAC, BACr, BACc), yeast fungi (YEA), crystals (CRY) [calcium oxalate monohydrate (CaOxm), calcium oxalate dihydrate (CaOxd)], urea acid (URI), triphosphates (TRI), mucus (MUC) and sperm (SPRM).

It is also possible to use the device to perform microscopy manually.