PCR machines
We offer conventional and real-time PCR or qPCR machines from Anaytik Jena (Biometra, Germany). These devices are renowned for their user-friendliness and durability, and are available in 48, 96 and 385-disc models. All devices can also be used with individual stubs and strips.
There are 3 different types of conventional PCR machines: TOne, TAdvanced and TRio, giving you the possibility to choose the solution that best suits your needs. Ultra-fast block heating-cooling and high block temperature homogeneity help you save time in your PCR protocols, without compromising analytical results.
Real-time PCR machines (qPCR) are state-of-the-art systems, also allowing for touch-screen control. Biometra’s robust block and a variety of excitation modes allow the instrument to be tailored to your specific needs, enabling DNA, RNA and protein analysis. All this is backed up by software with a very wide range of capabilities, allowing for more scientific analysis where necessary.
Nucleic acid separation equipment
The range includes nucleic acid separation equipment from Analytik Jena (Germany), which can purify both DNA and RNA. There is a choice of 16 devices to try, as well as larger solutions that can be programmed to your own specifications.
In addition, there is a very wide range of different separation kits for very different sample materials.

Innupure C16 Analytik Jena nucleic acid separation device
Nucleic acid separation kits
A very wide range of nucleic acid isolation kits are available for different sample materials or pathogens including blood, whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva, faeces, spores, ticks, plants, etc. There are also kits for IVD diagnostics, food quality control, veterinary, bacterial and viral detection and detection of tick-borne diseases.
In addition, the product range includes the innovative SmartExtraction kits, which allow significantly more nucleic acid to be extracted from sample materials while saving on consumables. The technology is also suitable for automation.
We offer a wide range of molecular diagnostics equipment, including:
- Homogenizers
- Mixers
- Spectrophotometers
- Electrophoresis and blotting
- Hybridisation ovens