DigitalDiagnost C90 all-digital X-ray unit.
The DigitalDiagnost C90 is designed for capturing, processing, storing, displaying and exporting digital radiographic images. The DigitalDiagnost C90 is suitable for all routine radiographic examinations, including specialties such as intensive care, traumatology and paediatrics, except fluoroscopy, angiography and mammography.
The system is suitable for all routine radiographic examinations, including specialties such as intensive care, traumatology and paediatrics. The system also uses more precise applications such as bone suppression.
Examples of standard radiography procedures are:
– X-ray examinations of the skeleton, including skull, thorax, spine, pelvis, upper extremities,
lower limbs, etc;
– X-rays of the lungs;
– X-ray examinations of soft tissues such as the abdomen;
– an overview of the whole spine in the vertical and horizontal position of the patient;
– an overview view of the whole leg in the vertical and horizontal position of the patient.
The following recording techniques are available to the user:
– detector imaging with vertical, horizontal and/or oblique beam;
– free recording equipment for the free SkyPlate detector;
– free of charge recording equipment for CR systems and film cassettes from Philips or other suppliers;
– Manual pick-up techniques: kV-mA-ms; kV-mAs; kV-mAs-ms;
– automatic pick-up technique: AEC-kV, mA, AEC-kV with falling load.
Device information leaflet.
Patient survey protocols: